MCF to the Rescue in Cerritos, California


Location:  Cerritos, California
Property Type:  Primary Residence
Loan Type: Home Refinance
Loan Amount: $300,000.00

$ Rescued Revolving Debt: $95,000.00

🛑 The Problem:
  • Our REALTOR® partner had run up her credit cards to stay afloat with the high inflation and costs that we all face these days.
  • The monthly payments on this $95,000.00 was back-breaking considering that these credit cards had a mixed rate of over 15%.
  • They attempted to refinance with a traditional lender and bank. They were denied due to their lack of income documentation that meets “traditional” income verification methods.
  • Banks and traditional lenders don’t know how to work with self-employed borrowers who use the tax code to their advantage!
🙌 The Solution:
  • Our Portfolio Loan Program is designed for those who don’t fit into traditional and out-of-date income underwriting guidelines.
  • We helped our REALTOR® partner with our Portfolio Program and gave them the cash that they needed to pay off their revolving debt and set up a nest egg to help them and their family better deal with higher living costs.
Aug 4 deal info

As always, remember to Mortgage IntelligentlyTM